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Eucalyptus, Essential oils, Fort Saskatchewan

Eucalyptus Oil Benefits

Eucalyptus oil benefits are due to its ability to stimulate immunity, provide antioxidant protection and improve respiratory circulation. Originally referred to as “eucalyptol” by the scientific community, the health benefits of eucalyptus oil come from a chemical now known as cineole — an organic compound shown to hold astounding, widespread medicinal effects, including everything from reducing inflammation and pain to killing leukemia cells! At the time I wrote this article, over 1,200 scientific research studies were conducted referring to cineole, and the results are simply amazing.


1.Colds & Flu

2.Hair Nourishment

3.Hand Cleaner

4.Sinus and Allergies

5.Natural Home Care

6.Odor Remover

7.Air Cleanser

8.Spot Remover

9.Respiratory Problems

10.Wound Treatment


Although eucalyptus has the highest known cineole levels of any plant (up to 80–95 percent), scientists have discovered that several other plants have significant levels of cineole as well:







•Tea tree

This may be one of the reasons why a mixture of the essential oils extracted from these plants have such a powerful synergistic effect. Like most things in nature, the harmonious effects of multiple healing agents working together create astounding super remedies.


•When diffused, Eucalyptus Essential Oil relieves mental exhaustion, enhances spiritual practices, clears nasal passages, and eliminates harmful airborne bacteria.

•In a massage, Eucalyptus Essential Oil revitalizes skin and tired muscles, facilitates easy breathing, enhances feelings of relaxation, and soothes nervous tension.

•In a bath, Eucalyptus Essential Oil soothes irritated skin, relieves pain, protects against infection, and rejuvenates sore muscles.

•In cosmetics, Eucalyptus Essential Oil relieves scalp itchiness, controls sebum production, boosts circulation, strengthens

Eucalyptus, Essential oils, Fort Saskatchewan
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